Onlineshop FAQ
Du hast Fragen? Unser Team antwortet. Hier findest du die häufigsten Fragen zu unserem Onlineshop. Infos zu Bestellung, Versand, Retoure und mehr.
Du hast noch mehr Fragen? Unser Customer Service freut sich, von dir zu hören.
Frequently asked questions about the online shop
How do I change my password, email or address?
Where do I find my password?
How can I delete my customer account?
How long does the delivery take?
What shipping costs apply?
Is there tracking?
Can I change my delivery address?
What payment methods does ARTZT offer?
How does the refund for returns work?
How can I return items?
How do I reach your customer service?
How does the ARTZT partner program work?
I couldn't complete the order
I was unable to redeem a discount code/gift voucher
What are cookies?
How sustainable is the ARTZT company?
Are ARTZT fitness equipment sustainable?
From which countries does ARTZT source its products?
Do you have any questions? I'm happy to help you.
Bendix Herzog
Customer Service E-Commerce
TheraBand 2.50 m incl. bag
Sale price14,95 € (5,98 €/m)
ARTZT vitality
yoga mat
Sale price34,95 €
ARTZT vitality
Fitness Band PLUS Set for resistance training
Sale price32,95 €
ARTZT vitality
Hula Hoop
Sale price17,95 €
Regular price32,95 €
ARTZT thepro
Box Set
Sale price149,00 €
Gymstick Original 2.0
Sale price69,95 €
ARTZT vitality
Wobblesmart Balance Board
Sale price99,95 €
ARTZT thepro
Flossing Band
Sale priceFrom 21,95 €
(8,98 €/m)
Pro Pump Set
Sale price189,00 €
ARTZT neuro
Colour Glasses
Sale price21,95 €
TheraBand 5.50 m
Sale priceFrom 17,95 €
(3,26 €/m)
ARTZT Vintage Series
medicine ball
Sale priceFrom 54,95 €
ARK Therapeutic
Sale price49,95 €
ARTZT Vintage Series
Skipping rope
Sale price32,95 €
RecoveryTherm recovery cuff
Sale price249,00 €