The journey starts the moment you choose to seize control of destiny. It doesn’t matter what happened yesterday or the day before, it’s only important what happens going forward. No matter what goals are set, the success of any story is built on consistency and commitment to development.
Set the foundation and literally lift yourself into the future you’ve designed. One rep, set and workout at a time. Create the home gym package that shapes your story.
Power Block - The no. 1 system dumbbell from the USA
PowerBlock was the first system dumbbell of its kind worldwide and is now considered the leading brand in the field of adjustable dumbbell systems. With their patented selector pin for quick and intuitive weight adjustment, their particularly handy and compact design and the color-coded weight scale, PowerBlock dumbbells enable highly efficient and space-saving weight training.
A PowerBlock dumbbell replaces between 8 and 16 conventional pairs of dumbbells without adjustable weights. Optional column stands and the PowerBlock incline bench complete the range.
How does PowerBlock work?
The system dumbbells have the patented selector pin, with which you can easily set the desired weight. The further down you position it, the heavier your PowerBlock kettlebell will be. So you can adjust the round dumbbell individually to your needs.