Ein Mann trainiert mit einem TheraBand

TheraBand exercises

Here you will find a wide range of exercises for your TheraBand. Whether you are training your arms, core, back, thighs or whole body – there is something here for everyone, young and old. TheraBand exercises are easy to learn and can be done anywhere, anytime – at home, in the office or on the go. All you need is a fitness band to effectively train your muscles.

TheraBand Back Training

Do you often have back pain? You are not alone. About two-thirds of Germans regularly suffer from back pain. This is triggered by a lack of movement, frequent sitting and weak and tense muscles. The best way to combat this is not to lie down and rest, but to move, move, move.

Humans are made for movement. So move! Even a few minutes a day will keep your muscles toned and stimulate your cardiovascular system. You will become stronger, have more stamina, strengthen your immune system and experience less pain.

In the video, we show you 11 TheraBand exercises that you can do for back pain.

There are even more exercises below the video!

Ein Mann zieht ein Theraband hinter seinem Rücken senkrecht mit beiden Händen auseinander.

TheraBand exercises for the whole body

With a TheraBand, you can train your entire musculature at any time. Numerous exercises for the back, abdomen, legs, arms and buttocks ensure firm muscles, a straight posture and less pain.

This is how you train properly

Do each exercise for about 60 seconds. Then take a break of about 60 seconds. You should repeat each one-minute set of exercises three times.

Adjust the number of repetitions to your fitness level if necessary. If you can easily do more than 12 repetitions within the time limit, you should use the next stronger band. If you can do less than 8 repetitions, use a weaker band. Depending on the area of your body, you may need different strength bands.

Choose your TheraBand exercises

Icon RückenIcon ArmIcon BrustIcon Bein

TheraBand back exercises

Mann vollführt die Übung Upper Back mit dem TheraBand.

Upper Back

Attach the exercise band at belly button level and grip the ends securely with both hands. The arms are at shoulder height and the thumbs point outwards. Bring your stretched arms back and tense your shoulder blades.

This is what you train: upper back muscles, rear shoulder muscles

Mann vollführt die Übung Lat Zug mit dem TheraBand.

Lat Pull

Canoe stand. The exercise band is attached above your head. Grip the band securely or wrap it around your hands and tilt your upper body slightly forward. Now pull both elbows down towards the pelvis and activate the large back muscles.

This is what you train: Large back muscle (latissimus)

Mann vollführt die Übung Back Extension mit dem TheraBand.

Back Extension

Attach the exercise band at belly button level and grip the ends securely with both hands. Squat slightly and tilt your torso forward with your back straight.

Pull your stretched arms back as if you were doing a cross-country skiing movement and feel the strength in your back and arms.

This is what you train: lower back muscles

Mann vollführt die Übung Squat Shoulder Press mit dem TheraBand.

Squat & Shoulder Press

Stand with your feet hip-width apart in the middle of the band and raise your arms to a 90 degree angle at shoulder level so that the band is behind your arms. In this position, bend your knees and press your arms straight up as you stand up. The wrists remain stable.

This is what you train:
Thighs, butt, shoulders

Mann absolviert die Übung Shoulder Triangle mit einem TheraBand.

Shoulder Triangle

Stand on the middle of the band with your feet hip-width apart and hold the ends of the band in front of your pelvis with your arms stretched. Raise your stretched arms to your sides to shoulder height and then close them in front of your body. Open it wide outwards again and then lower it back to the side towards your thigh.

This is what you train:
shoulders, chest

Mann vollführt die Übung Y-Pull mit dem TheraBand.


Stand with your feet hip-width apart in the middle of the band. Grip the band with your arms stretched crosswise so that a slight basic tension can be felt. Now come forward slightly with your upper body and lift your arms up over the side. Maintain tension in your torso and back and activate your shoulders.

This is what you train: Posterior shoulder muscles

Mann vollführt die Übung X-Pull Single mit dem TheraBand.

X-Pull Single

Stand with both feet on the exercise band and grip the band crosswise. Wrap the ends securely around your hands. Alternately raise your stretched arms diagonally upwards.

This is what you train: upper back muscles, rear shoulder muscles

Mann vollführt die Übung X-Pull Single-Double mit dem Theraband

X-Pull Singe-Double

Stand with both feet on the resistance band and grip the band crosswise. Wrap the ends securely around your hands. First, alternately raise your stretched arms diagonally upwards. Then combine unilateral and bilateral arm raises.

This is what you train: upper back muscles

Mann vollführt die Übung Forward Y-Extension mit einem Theraband.

Forward Y-Extension

Stand with both feet on the exercise band. Squat slightly and grip the band crosswise. Wrap the ends around your hands. Raise your stretched arms backwards and upwards in a Y shape. Keep your back straight and stable.

This is what you train: upper back muscles, upper shoulder muscles

Mann vollführt die Übung Standing Row mit dem TheraBand.

Standing Row

Stand with your feet hip-width apart in the middle of the band and grab the band briefly. Bend forward slightly with your back long. Keep your knees slightly bent. Now pull your elbows up and back close to your body like a rowing movement and keep your back stable.

This is what you train:
Upper back

Mann vollführt die Übung Sitting Row mit dem TheraBand.

Sitting Row

Wrap the band securely around the soles of your feet and get into an upright sitting position. Grab the band and start by slightly pre-tensioning the band. Then pull both arms/elbows back close to your body, like a rowing movement.

This is what you train: Upper back

TheraBand arm exercises

Mann vollführt die Übung Biceps and Abductor Combo mit dem TheraBand.

Biceps and Abductor Combo

Stand with your left foot in the middle of the exercise band and hold both ends in your right hand with slight band tension. Then step onto the band with your right foot hip-width apart.

While performing a bicep curl with your right arm, lift your left leg outward. If the combination is too difficult, do the exercises individually, alternating them.

This is what you train: Biceps, lateral thigh muscles

Mann vollführt die Übung Triceps Overhead mit dem TheraBand.

Triceps Overhead

Stand straight with your back foot on the middle of the band. Grab the ends of the band with both hands and bring your hands behind your head. Keep your elbows tight and extend your arms towards the ceiling and tighten your triceps.

This is what you train:

Mann vollführt die Übung Biceps Curls mit dem TheraBand.

Bicep curls

Stand in the middle of the band with your feet hip-width apart and grab the band with your arms stretched out so that a slight basic tension can be felt. Pull your hands up to shoulder height and tense your biceps. Keep your elbows close to your body.

This is what you train:

TheraBand chest exercises

Mann vollführt die Übung Chest Press mit dem TheraBand.

Chest Press

Attach the resistance band at a medium height. Stand with your back to the attachment and grab both ends or wrap them around your hands. Keep your arms bent at shoulder height with the exercise band above your arms.

Stretch and bend your arms in a controlled manner against the band tension. Make sure to keep your wrists stable while moving.

This is what you train: large pectoral muscle

TheraBand abs exercises

Mann vollführt die Übung Side Abs Rotation mit dem TheraBand.

Side Abs Rotation

Attach the exercise band to a slightly higher position. Stand sideways and grasp the band securely with your arms stretched slightly above shoulder height.

Now rotate your torso and arms diagonally to the left and down while tensing your stomach. Slowly return to the starting position. Change page.

This is what you train: Core muscles, lateral abdominal muscles

Mann vollführt die Übung Side Abs mit dem TheraBand.

Side Abs

Attach the exercise band to a slightly higher position. Stand sideways and grasp the band securely with both hands. Raise both hands above your head so that the band is slightly taut.

Tilt your upper body to the left against the band tension and then slowly to the opposite side. Keep the tension in your torso. Change page.

This is what you train: Lateral abdominal muscles

Mann vollführt die Übung Sitting Twist mit dem TheraBand.

Russian Twist

Wrap the band securely around the soles of your feet and grip it with both hands. Close your hands and bend slightly back so that you feel tension in your stomach. In this position, rotate your upper body and arms alternately to the right and left. Keep the band under tension at all times.

This is what you train: Rectus abdominal muscle, oblique abdominal muscle

Mann vollführt die Übung Standing Side Abs mit dem TheraBand.

Standing Side Para

Place your left foot into the band and grab the ends with your right hand. Then place your right foot on top of the band, hip-width apart, and take your free arm to your temple. Now tilt your upper body to the side of the band and stand up against the resistance using your side abdominal muscles. The band arm stays the whole time. Change page.

This is what you train: Lateral abdominal muscles

TheraBand leg exercises

Mann vollführt die Übung Glute Kick mit dem TheraBand.

Glute Kick

Get on all fours and place the band around the sole of your foot. Both hands fix the ends of the band below the shoulders. Now push your foot forcefully (kicking motion) backwards as an extension of your back. Train your buttocks and keep the tension in your torso. Change leg.

This is what you train: glutes

Mann vollführt die Übung Side Shift mit dem TheraBand.

Side Shift

Step into the band with your left foot and hold both ends just above your hips with your arms straight. Step into a side lunge with your right leg and push your stretched arms diagonally to the side at shoulder height. Keep the tension in your torso. Change page.

This is what you train: Front of thigh, balance, coordination

Mann vollführt die Übung Lunges and Rotation mit dem TheraBand.

Lunges & Rotation

Stand with your front foot in the middle of the band and grab the ends of the band with your hands. Take your stretched arms in front of your hips and keep the band slightly taut. As you go down into a lunge, raise your arms to shoulder height. Then you rotate your torso and arms once to the side of the supporting leg and come back into an upright lunge. Change page.

This is what you train: Hamstrings, balance and coordination

Mann vollführt die Übung Standing Abduction mit dem TheraBand.

Standing Abduction

Place your left foot into the band and grab the ends with your right hand. Then place your right foot on the band, hip-width apart. Stretch your left leg outwards. Keep your balance and tense your stomach. Change page.

This is what you train: Hip mobility, balance, core stability


All TheraBand exercises at a glance. Including tips on how to use and care for your TheraBand.


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Portrait Bendix Herzog

Bendix Herzog
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