ARTZT neuro - Die besten Tools für Neuroathletik -


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Neuroathletics brings body and mind into perfect harmony to maximise performance, improve general efficiency and even help you cope with pain. ARTZT neuro provides you with the right tools you need.



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33 products

Farbbrille für Neuroathletiktraining Neuroathletik ARTZT neuro Gelb  Farbbrille für Neuroathletiktraining Neuroathletik ARTZT neuro
ARTZT neuro
Colour Glasses Sale price21,95 €
Z-Vibe Vibrationsstift Neuroathletik ARK Therapeutic   Z-Vibe Vibrationsstift Neuroathletik ARK Therapeutic
ARK Therapeutic
Z-Vibe Sale price49,95 €
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ARTZT neuro
Breathing belt Sale price29,95 €
Neuroathletik Starter Set für Neuroathletiktraining Sportartikel ARTZT neuro   Neuroathletik Starter Set für Neuroathletiktraining Sportartikel ARTZT neuro
Brock String für Augentraining Neuroathletik ARTZT neuro   Brock String für Augentraining Neuroathletik ARTZT neuro
Farbbrillen Set für Neuroathetiktraining Neuroathletik ARTZT neuro   Farbbrillen Set für Neuroathetiktraining Neuroathletik ARTZT neuro
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Colour Glasses Set Sale price52,95 €
Rasterbrille für Augentraining Neuroathletik ARTZT neuro   Rasterbrille für Augentraining Neuroathletik ARTZT neuro
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Raster glasses Sale price14,95 €
Vision Stick 4er Set für Augentraining Neuroathletik ARTZT neuro   Vision Stick 4er Set für Augentraining Neuroathletik ARTZT neuro
Atemtrainer für Atemtraining Atemtrainer ARTZT neuro   Atemtrainer für Atemtraining Atemtrainer ARTZT neuro
ARTZT neuro
Breathing Trainer Sale price49,95 €
Augenklappe für Augentraining Neuroathletik ARTZT neuro   Augenklappe für Augentraining Neuroathletik ARTZT neuro
ARTZT neuro
eye patch Sale price3,95 €
Vision Stick 2er Set für Augentraining Neuroathletik ARTZT neuro   Vision Stick 2er Set für Augentraining Neuroathletik ARTZT neuro
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I found it extremely exciting to see the direct effects targeted neurotraining has on my body. This allows me to be faster and safer in my sport in the long term.

Gela Allmann, sports scientist, extreme endurance athlete, author

I found it extremely exciting to see the direct effects targeted neurotraining has on my body. This allows me to be faster and safer in my sport in the long term.

Gela Allmann, sports scientist, extreme endurance athlete, author

I found it extremely exciting to see the direct effects targeted neurotraining has on my body. This allows me to be faster and safer in my sport in the long term.

Gela Allmann, sports scientist, extreme endurance athlete, author

Mann hebt Traktorreifen an

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What exactly is neuroathletics?

Find out how you can use neuroathletic training for everyday life, sport and therapy. Read the complete article exclusively on our partner website


ARTZT neuro - The best tools for neuroathletics

Because movement originates in the mind

ARTZT neuro provides you with the right tools you need for your neuroathletics training. Even simple visual exercises with the vision sticks or colored glasses can help treat pain and tension, while neurosport exercises with the Marsden Ball or the SoundVibe train your balance and cognition. Practical complete sets like the ARTZT neuro Starter Set make neuroathletics easier for beginners.

More performance with neuroathletic training

Your brain is responsible for vital functions of your body: breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, thoughts, muscle tension, movement or emotions. Neuroathletics training therefore places the main focus on the brain and thus trains the interaction between head and body.

The goal: Better performance in athletic training and sports such as football as well as more effective treatment options in therapy.

But you can also use neuroathletic exercises in everyday life to improve your reaction, train your balance or treat everyday problems such as back pain and tension.

Do you have any questions? I'm happy to help you.

Portrait Bendix Herzog

Bendix Herzog

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