Rückentraining - Die besten Rücken Fitnessgeräte - artzt.eu



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Yama Yogamatte Gymnastikmatten ARTZT vitalityYama Yogamatte Gymnastikmatten ARTZT vitality
Yoga Mat Sale price34,95 €
Übungsband PLUS Fitnessband Set für Widerstandstraining Fitnessbänder ARTZT vitalityÜbungsband PLUS Fitnessband Set für Widerstandstraining Fitnessbänder ARTZT vitality
TheraBand 2,50 m inkl. Türanker Tasche Fitnessbänder TheraBand GelbTheraBand 2,50 m inkl. Türanker Tasche Fitnessbänder TheraBand
TheraBand 2.50 m incl. door anchor + bag Sale price14,95 €(5,98 €/m)
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Power Band Fitnessband Fitnessbänder ARTZT vitality GelbPower Band Fitnessband Fitnessbänder ARTZT vitality
Power Band Sale priceFrom 9,90 € Regular price13,95 €
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TheraBand Rücken Set  TheraBand   TheraBand Rücken Set  TheraBand
TheraBand back set Sale price14,95 €
TriggerHolz für Triggerpunktmassage Sonstige Fitnessgeräte ARTZT vitality StandardTriggerHolz für Triggerpunktmassage Sonstige Fitnessgeräte ARTZT vitality
TheraBänder im Set 1,50 m Fitnessbänder TheraBand Gelb | Rot | GrünTheraBänder im Set 1,50 m Fitnessbänder TheraBand Blau | Schwarz
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Fitnessband 2,50 m Fitnessbänder ARTZT vitality GelbFitnessband 2,50 m Fitnessbänder ARTZT vitality
Fitness Band 2.50 m Sale price9,95 € Regular price12,95 €(3,98 €/m)
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Super Band Textil Set Fitnessbänder ARTZT vitalitySuper Band Textil Set Fitnessbänder ARTZT vitality
Textile Super Band Set Sale price49,95 € Regular price68,85 €
Power Band Fitnessband Set Fitnessbänder ARTZT thepro theproPower Band Fitnessband Set Fitnessbänder ARTZT thepro
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Gymnastikmatte Gymnastikmatten ARTZT vitality Ohne ÖsenGymnastikmatte Gymnastikmatten ARTZT vitality
Gym Mat Sale price49,95 €
Super Band Textil Fitnessbänder ARTZT vitality GrünSuper Band Textil Fitnessbänder ARTZT vitality
Textile Super Band Sale price22,95 €
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Latexfree Fitnessband 2,50 m Fitnessbänder ARTZT vitality BlauLatexfree Fitnessband 2,50 m Fitnessbänder ARTZT vitality
Latex-free Fitness Band 2,50 m Sale price9,95 € Regular price15,95 €(3,98 €/m)
Faszienball Kork Faszienbälle ARTZT vitalityFaszienball Kork Faszienbälle ARTZT vitality
Corc Fascia Ball Sale price12,95 €
Duoball Kork Faszienbälle ARTZT vitalityDuoball Kork Faszienbälle ARTZT vitality
Duo ball cork Sale price25,95 €
Faszienrolle Kork Faszienrollen ARTZT vitalityFaszienrolle Kork Faszienrollen ARTZT vitality
Yogamatte Kork Gymnastikmatten ARTZT vitalityYogamatte Kork Gymnastikmatten ARTZT vitality
Corc Yoga Mat Sale price99,00 €
Yogamatte Kork Recycle PLUS Gymnastikmatten ARTZT vitalityYogamatte Kork Recycle PLUS Gymnastikmatten ARTZT vitality
Power Band Fitnessband Fitnessbänder ARTZT thepro GrauPower Band Fitnessband Fitnessbänder ARTZT thepro
Power Band Sale priceFrom 12,95 €
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Yogamatte Kork Recycle Gymnastikmatten ARTZT vitalityYogamatte Kork Recycle Gymnastikmatten ARTZT vitality
FaszienHolz MINI Faszienrollen ARTZT vitalityFaszienHolz MINI Faszienrollen ARTZT vitality
DuoHolz Faszienrollen ARTZT vitalityDuoHolz Faszienrollen ARTZT vitality
DuoWood Sale price49,95 €
FaszienHolz Faszienrollen ARTZT vitalityFaszienHolz Faszienrollen ARTZT vitality
FasciaWood Sale price49,95 €
RundHolz Faszienbälle ARTZT vitalityRundHolz Faszienbälle ARTZT vitality
RoundWood Sale price19,95 €
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Tubings im Set 1,50 m Fitnessbänder TheraBand Gelb | Rot | GrünTubings im Set 1,50 m Fitnessbänder TheraBand Blau | Schwarz
Sold outSave 43%
Latexfreie TheraBänder im Set 1,50 m Fitnessbänder TheraBand Gelb | Rot | GrünLatexfreie TheraBänder im Set 1,50 m Fitnessbänder TheraBand Blau | Schwarz
Latex-free TheraBands in a set of 1.50 m Sale priceFrom 10,80 € Regular price18,95 €

Back training - The best back fitness equipment

Discover our selection of back fitness equipment and fight back pain! Our range, specially designed to strengthen your back, offers everything you need for targeted back training.

Start your back training with the universal TheraBand , the absolute must-have for anyone who values a strong and healthy back. With its versatile application options, it helps you to gently stretch and strengthen your back muscles. This flexibility allows everyone, regardless of fitness level, to create their own individual training plan. The TheraBand back set expands the spectrum with the special TheraBand exercise instructions for healthy back muscles - the perfect companion for back pain.

Support your training with a high-quality yoga mat that offers you both comfort and the necessary stability for balance and stretching exercises. This way you can not only strengthen your spine , but also integrate relaxing breathing exercises and yoga flows. Our yoga mats offer the perfect mix of cushioning and stability.

The TriggerWood is suitable for trigger point massage. you can specifically reach smaller muscle groups and tense areas. This targeted self-massage helps to release blockages and promote blood circulation - an important component of holistic back fitness.

Complete your equipment with a Blackroll fascia roller . This essential fitness device allows you to loosen adhesions in the muscle fascia through self-myofascial release. This not only promotes regeneration, but also flexibility and mobility . With the matching fascia ball, you can roll out and massage smaller muscles on the shoulder or neck even more specifically.

All of the back exercise equipment presented here has been carefully selected to help you achieve a pain-free and strong back . Together we can bring movement into your life!

By the way: You can find the best TheraBand back exercises in the article 11 TheraBand back exercises for back pain . In the TheraBand exercises you will find even more exercises for your back, neck, shoulders and more.

Find the right products for your back training and take the first step towards a healthier life with a strong back. We will send you all back fitness equipment free of charge for orders over €49.

Do you have any questions? I'm happy to help you.

Portrait Bendix Herzog

Bendix Herzog
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