Simple BGM measures: practical tips and tools for health management

Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM): Frau sitzt am Schreibtisch auf einem Sitzball

Reading time: 4 minutes

3 pillars: the role of BGM in the company
Simple measures for a healthier workplace
Promoting exercise: fitness tools in the workplace
Employee vouchers as an effective BGM measure
Tax benefits and free advice
Conclusion: Less fluctuation & more productivity thanks to BGF

A well-established occupational health management system is not only worthwhile for large companies - SMEs can also benefit. Everyone knows that a healthy workplace is the key to satisfied and productive employees. But how can you as a company actively contribute to this? This is exactly where occupational health management (OHM) comes into play. It ensures that all employees feel more comfortable in the workplace - physically and mentally . In this article, you will find out which simple measures you can take to make your OHM more attractive in order to achieve the greatest possible effect.

3 pillars: the role of BGM in the company

BGM is based on three legally defined pillars: occupational health and safety , which focuses on safety in the workplace, and integration management (BEM) , which helps employees get back into work after a long illness.

In this article, we focus on the third pillar, Corporate Health Promotion (CHP) . Unlike the first two pillars, this is not legally mandatory, but voluntary for companies. However, CHP measures are subsidized - health insurance companies are even obliged to support companies with services for corporate health promotion.

We will show you how you can easily set up the WHP in your company in a variety of ways using targeted measures and tools. Because: A sustainable health strategy pays off in the long term. Well-organized company health promotion increases the performance, motivation and health of employees, improves the working atmosphere and can simultaneously reduce sick leave and fluctuation.

Simple measures for a healthier workplace

As a company, you can implement targeted preventive measures to actively promote the health of your employees as part of the BGF, including:

  • Promote exercise: sit-stand workstations, fitness tools and regular exercise breaks.
  • Healthy eating: Healthy snacks and meals in the office and canteen.
  • Mental health: Workshops on stress management and mental health.
  • Health programs: back school, relaxation courses and health circles that specifically address typical problems in the working world.
  • Flexible working models: Flexible working hours or home office options to promote work-life balance.

Tip: Are you not sure which preventive measures are right for your company? How about a survey among all employees? This is the easiest way to find out what is in demand and what is actually used by employees. Or how about an internal challenge with a points system?

Promoting exercise: fitness tools in the workplace

You can also make a valuable contribution to corporate health promotion with effective health tools . Here are a few tools that experience has shown can be particularly easily integrated into everyday work:

  • Sitting balls strengthen the back muscles and ensure dynamic sitting . They can be part of a back training program or an ergonomic workplace concept.
  • TheraBand exercise bands : Perfect for stretching exercises during short breaks to prevent tension and promote blood circulation.
  • Fascia rollers and massage balls : Ideal for short self-massages to relieve muscle tension during the working day.
  • Balance boards and standing mats : These tools promote movement and balance in standing workstations and help make long periods of standing more comfortable.

Idea: How about setting up a fitness corner or a small fitness room in the office? You can also encourage the purchase of fitness tools for your employees by offering vouchers in cooperation with health platforms. This way, employees can choose fitness tools themselves and keep fit from home. But how does this actually work?

Employee vouchers as an effective BGM measure

A particularly attractive way to implement corporate health promotion is through employee vouchers. Via platforms such as, you can provide your employees with health vouchers that they can redeem for courses, health products or fitness tools .

  • Benefits for employees : Flexibility in choosing health measures and tools tailored to individual needs.
  • Benefits for companies : Easy implementation and increased employee satisfaction, while promoting employee health in the long term.

Tax benefits and free advice

If you need support in setting up or optimizing your company's health promotion , the health insurance companies' BGF coordination offices are the right people to contact. They offer you free advice, no matter how big your company is or what industry you work in. It's also financially worthwhile: you can use a tax-free allowance of up to 600 euros per year per employee for health measures. This makes it even easier to invest in the health of your team.

Conclusion: Less fluctuation & more productivity thanks to BGF

A holistic BGF as part of the BGM is the key to a healthy and productive working environment. With targeted preventive measures and tools that can be easily integrated into everyday work, you as a company can not only promote the health of your employees, but also increase your attractiveness as an employer. Tools such as exercise balls or TheraBands also promote health in the workplace, and employee vouchers and tax advantages make implementation even easier. Invest in the health of your employees - it's worth it in the long term on all levels!

reading tips
More energy thanks to the sitting ball: Why you shouldn't completely replace your office chair
TheraBand exercises for the whole body
Balance training – 10 good reasons and the 3 best balance exercises

Sources Corporate Health Management (BGM) Corporate Health Promotion (CHP)
Federal Ministry of Labor: Workplace Health Promotion
BGF Coordination Office: Corporate Health Promotion